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Book List - Teacher Resources

guiding young children

Guiding Young Children (7th Edition) (Paperback) by Patricia F. Hearron, Verna Hildebrand


who am I in the lives of children

Who Am I in the Lives of Children? An Introduction to Teaching Young Children (6th Edition) (Hardcover) by Stephanie Feeney, Doris Christensen, Eva Moravcik

playful learning and teaching

Playful Learning and Teaching: Integrating Play into Preschool and Primary Programs by Judith E. Kieff, Renee M. Casbergue (Paperback)


Develop practice02

Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs (Naeyc (Series), #234.)
by National Association for the Education of Young Children (Corporate Author), Sue Bredekamp (Editor), Carol Copple (Editor)


fund. of early childhood

Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education (3rd Edition) by George S. Morrison

survival guide for preschool

A Survival Guide for the Preschool Teacher (Paperback) by Jean R. Feldman


Nursery Rhymes

Teaching Tunes Audio CD and Mini-Books Set: Nursery Rhymes: 12 Delightful Nursery Rhyme Songs With Sing-Along Mini-Books That Build Early Literacy Skills (Paperback) by Dr. Jean Feldman


frames of mind

Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner (Paperback)

multiple assessments

Multiple Assessments for Multiple Intelligences, 3rd Edition by James Bellanca, et al (Paperback)


Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing, A: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives by Lorin W. Anderson, et al (Paperback)

reggio emilia

Bringing Reggio Emilia Home: An Innovative Approach to Early Childhood Education (Early Childhood Education Series) by Louise Boyd Cadwell, et al (Paperback)


preschool classroom management

Preschool Classroom Management : 150 Teacher-Tested Techniques by Laverne Warner, Sharon Lynch (Paperback)

classroom routines

Classroom Routines That Really Work for Prek and Kindergarten by Kathleen Hayes, Renee Creange





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